Au pair costs - pocket money and other benefits

Au pair costs are guidelines as 'pocket money' and other benefits making up au pair costs will differ from family to family.

An au pair is paid 'pocket money' and does not pay tax as their earnings do not reach the tax threshold. For information on current tax thresholds please contact Nanny Tax. A family should pay their au pair more money for more hours (for instance in school holidays).

For au pairs we suggest pocket money allowances as follows:

  • £80 minimum for up to 25 hours per week
  • £90 minimum for up to 30 hours per week 

We ask our families to contribute at least £20 per month towards their au pairs language tuition.

Other possible benefits are a bonus at the end of the promised stay or a return fare home.

It is recognised that these au pair costs are only guidelines and that the situation differs from family to family.

Individual needs can be discussed when you register with the agency.

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